Tackling Change

A Toolkit for Quality Process Improvement

Step 7:

Assess sustainability

Key Point

Make sure that your data and changes are sustainable.

  • Just as you had a plan for testing, you need a sustainability plan. It should include:

    • A plan for collecting ongoing data.

    • A communication plan — how often and in what manner will data be communicated to stakeholders.

    • An ongoing training plan for new employees and veterans as needed.

    • A clearly identified person or position who owns the process going forward.

    • Refer to our sustainability presentation for more detailed sustainability tips.

  • Determine potential for external publication.

  • Use the Sustainability Worksheet or the Sustainability Evaluation Tool to evaluate your chances of sustainability.

  • Do you need help with this step? Drop us an email at QualityQuestions@upmc.edu and Wolff Center staff will be happy to help you.

Step 7: Editable Tools

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