Tackling Change
A Toolkit for Quality Process Improvement
Step 1:
See the big picture
Key Point
Don't reinvent the wheel! Find out what others are doing first.
Use the Project Checklist and the Project Evaluation Worksheet to ensure that you have set up your project for success.
Identify how your problem impacts the triple aim — cost, quality, and service.
Research best practice literature — what are others doing that works?
Determine if there are policies that address the issue you want to tackle or teams that are already working on this issue at your site or elsewhere in the system.
What can you build upon?
What are possible landmines or barriers?
Reach out to your local quality department to understand how their work connects to yours.
If you are working on a patient satisfaction initiative, check first to make sure you are focused around UPMC's patient satisfaction drivers.
Talk to local leadership about their level of support for change. Ensure that:
They actively support your project and will provide needed resources.
It fits into departmental and systemwide goals.
Do you need help with this step? Drop us an email at QualityQuestions@upmc.edu and Wolff Center staff will be happy to help you.